A Sports Meet 英语作文

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  A Sports Meet 英语作文(通用8篇)

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  A Sports Meet 英语作文

  Today is the first day of our school sports meet.Every year this time we are very excited and will be very active in joining the sports meet.This time almost half of the students in our class will compete in the sports meet,even if some of them are not very good at it.We are all enthusiastic about sports.Many of the students join more than one item of game,such as high jumo,long jump,running and relay race.All of them try tu du their best in the game.Liu Ying,my classmate,hasinjured her leg in the 200-meter race,but she doesn't give up and sticks to the last moment.In the relay race,the runners unite together.They know that team spirit is very important.

  The sports meet will be over tomorrow.We don't know whether our class can win the first prize this time,but we don't take the result very seriously.We think that partaking of the game is more important than result.

  The weather is getting warmer day by day,accompanied by the spring breeze ushered in the annual sports meeting.

  Athletes enter the stadium with the sound of drum music.The five-star red flag rises in the national anthem.After the principal and the teacher have finished speaking,the competition begins.The athletes in the sports field feel that you are chasing me.It's very fierce,and the cheers of all the students in each class come one after another.

  The most intense is the relay race.The runners run fast.The runners who are waiting for the pick-up call out anxiously,"come on,come on..." Get ready to jump out of the position.The whole competition embodies the spirit of unity and cooperation.

  The whole Games ended in fierce competition and solidarity.

  This afternoon,our school held the first and second grade sports meeting.The students are wearing their school uniform and red scarf around the playground.

  The first was the sandbag contest.The students in the competition took sandbags and put them into the iron ring quickly and accurately.They put them very seriously and attentively.Then there is the running competition.The athletes are like the light swallows,chasing after each other.In particular,my class Lv Qiuyu students,the fastest,far away,won the first place.

  We cheered and shouted come on! Come on! Although I didnt take part in the competition,I must take good exercise and strive for my presence in the next sports field.

  The school‘s annual sports meeting is about to start.This sports meeting has made us look forward to it for several days,and finally we can play our sports strengths.The atmosphere in school has changed a bit.

  In this sports meeting,our class attaches the most importance to the relay race,because it is a test of team cooperation competition,but also for the honor of the class.The students of the whole school attach great importance to this relay race.There are four students in total,each of whom runs 400 meters,to see which team finishes the fastest,which not only tests the ability of individuals,but also the cooperation ability of the whole team Power.If any student makes a mistake or falls down,it will affect the performance of the whole team,so everyone should pay special attention to keep good physical strength and be able to sprint at the end.

  In this relay race,there was an accident.One of the students ran and fell down,but the team didn’t blame the student,but ran to the student‘s side and asked if he had any questions,and the event of the race had already been forgotten.

  In fact,the result of the competition is not important.What is important is that a team can get along well with each other and communicate with others.It is something we need to learn all our lives.

  The sports meet of our university was held on a charming spring stand around the playground was packed with came the parade of the opening etes walked into the field in orderly r the opening address was delivered,the athletes there was a performance of group callisthenics.大佬们都在玩{精选官网网址: www.vip333.Co }值得信任的品牌平台!

  The contests and races of track and field events were runners of 100 metre race dashed to the terminal winner took the lead only by a small fraction of second.A boy athlete gave a javelin a lorceful shot across the sky and arrived at a point far ahead of the former record.A girl athlete,in a long distance race,stumbled over the foot of another athlete and fell rose to her feet,clenched her teeth,and continued her most attractive is the relay race that was so intense that all spectators cheered,hailed and applaused.

  The sports meet was athletes not only gained a good harvest of prizes,but also strengthened their body and tempered their will.

  Today's weather is sunny,cloudless blue sky.In the afternoon we will hold the opening ceremony of the annual spring games.

  The opening ceremony began in the afternoon.The first step was the four sister of the flag bearer who took the bright five star red flag and walked into the meeting with a strong pace.Followed by each team,a team,bunting team,garland flower drum team.Then from the beginning of the first grade class,the class of the team in order to walk into the room.We are also anxious to wait for the game.

  Finally it's our turn."Two years and four classes,fighting bravely,working together,fighting for the first." With a loud slogan,we walked through the platform with a neat step.

  We also see some wonderful performances,a drum,Lara gymnastics,Tai chi.

  Each team in order to leave the venue after the opening ceremony.Tomorrow,our athletes will be here to fight first,and we will shout and cheer for them.

  I'm very happy to have a sports meeting today.I'm an athlete and I'm going to compete in two projects.

  The sports meeting begins,first of all the opening ceremony.The athletes in our class walked behind the instructor.We are dancing in front of a big sister in garland,with big sister behind the drum team,they have some drums,trumpet,drums,gongs is really ah!

  The game started,first of all was the one or two grade running race,and their game was finished in our class.At this time,I was very nervous,afraid that I can not run well,to the venue,God! I am on the last runway,why is God so unfair to me? Finally,I got a fifth.

  In the afternoon,I also have a project to throw the solid ball.The first ball throws the ball.The second ball throws the first.I think I will get the first time this time.I am very happy.But third balls make me unexpected,alas! Only second.

  This movement will make me sad is bittersweet,the running performance is not ideal; the joy is after throwing solid ball has a good ranking.

  The long - awaited Spring Festival was finally driving the carriage,and the passion of the students was in touch.

  As the bright five star red flag slowly rises in the campus,the surrounding air is solidified.The scene was so solemn and solemn!

  The beginning of the game,the audience is shouting the students,I as an athlete,in the face of this scene,my heart is like jumping out from the body exploded,I was running in the four hundred meters on the runway,thought only of "faster,faster,just a quick step,hopes of victory can be realized,work hard! End point in front of us!" although my mouth dry smoke,but they are going to give up,the teacher heard my cry,I am unable to restrain the emotions of speed speed,although I only had third,but I have been satisfied,because this is my efforts the results of.

  I know from this competition that personal success can not be separated from the encouragement and support of everyone.

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A Sports Meet 英语作文

A Sports Meet 英语作文

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